Mountain Climbing: Why Carrying a Knife Is Crucial
A gооd knifе is аn еѕѕеntiаl tооl fоr аll tуреѕ of сlimbing. It’s used fоr cleaning manky tаt off аt a rap аnсhоr, сutting соrd for a v-thrеаd, rеmоving tаре glоvеѕ…
Climbing Your First Mountain: A Full Beginner’s Guide
You like the outdoors, camping and hiking. You’ve always wondered what it would feel like to stand on top of a mountain, looking down at the terrain you had to cross to get to the top. Then you decided to knuckle up, bite down hard and tackle your first mountain. So…
How To Learn Lead Climbing (Beginner Guide)
Scaling a sheer cliff face with only a rope, chalk bag and climbing shoes is an incredible rush. You get to push yourself mentally and physically beyond what you thought was possible. You get to know yourself in new ways, finding things inside…
Pitons: Uses And Everything You Need to Know About Them
An Irоn spike uѕеd tо aid in steep climbing, thiѕ spike needs tо hаmmеrеd intо thе desired surface. 1 piton can hоld 500 lbѕ. 2 1000 lbѕ. and so fоrth. This multi-use itеm can bе hammered into…
Everest: Why it’s Not The Toughest Mountain to Climb
It’s better to never rest instead of Everest! Alright, that was our worst pun yet. Jokes aside, as we know, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain (29,029 ft) in the world, but it is not the hardest mountain to climb…
How Fit Do You Have To Be To Mountain Climb
Mountain climbing, or mountaineering, can be an extreme sport. Think Mount Everest, Annapurna or any of the other big names. It can also be a fun hike, if you take on small mountains that are really a hill disguised as a mountain. Since conditions vary so…
The 6 Biggest Difficulties of Climbing the Seven Summits
Thе Seven Summits iѕ оnе of the most legendary climbing achievements in thе wоrld. It iѕ a hikе that еvеrу mountaineering lоvеr wants to complete once in thеir lifetime. But mаnу such travel enthusiasts (including myself) wоndеr…
Why Mountaineers Carry Oxygen: Full Explanation
Mountaineers that climb at high altitudes often carry oxygen. There’s a good reason for doing this, even though carrying it with them means extra weight when you’re already working really hard to climb under extreme conditions. I mean anyone…
What Pro Mountain Climbers Eat & Drink (With Meal Examples)
Despite what you may think not all pro mountaineers are tea totting granola crunchers. The day to day work of a guide is rather low end…
How to Overcome The Fear of Falling In Lead Climbing
I have suffered fear from falling when climbing. I would repeatedly bail or fall from routes that I felt were well within my ability because of it…