Recommended Equipment
5 Ways of Knowing If Your Climbing Shoes Are Too Big
It has almost become a prestige among climbers to be able to boast about how small and tight climbing shoes can be used. There is therefore a lot of talk…
9 Pros and Cons of Climbing in Ski boots
You’re heading to some awesome back country ice climbing crags for the day. The prize if awesome: pristine ice climbing routes that…
Ice Axe maintenance: Sharpening, Cleaning & Storing
When I’m undertaking any form of alpine mountaineering or ice climbing, I always end up using my ice axe. Extensively. I’ve tried to…
How Sharp Crampons Should Be & How to File Them
In short, the front points of crampons should be sharp as knives while the bottoms of the crampons shouldn’t necessarily be as sharp as…
How to Choose The Ultimate Mountaineering Boots
Specific types of router need specific types of boots. Also, your climbing style would influence which shoes you use and…
Wearing a Helmet when Rock Climbing: This Is Why You Should
Very few rock climbers that I know of wear helmets, despite the fact that a bad fall, where you could bang you head against the rock face, could be fatal or leave…
Mountaineering and Hiking Boots: Comparison Guide
Before you leave for your outdoor escapades, it’s crucial that you tick off each item in your adventure gear checklist. For some essentials including…
Mountain Climbing: Why Carrying a Knife Is Crucial
A gооd knifе is аn еѕѕеntiаl tооl fоr аll tуреѕ of сlimbing. It’s used fоr cleaning manky tаt off аt a rap аnсhоr, сutting соrd for a v-thrеаd, rеmоving tаре glоvеѕ…
3 Ways to Sharpen Microspikes
Sharpening your microspikes is better done sooner than later, since your life can depend on it. Think the horrendous situation where you slip and slide down…
How to Use and Carry Crampons (Beginner Guide)
When mountaineering at high altitudes or in colder climates, you will definitely encounter ice and snow. In this case, crampons are your best friend, digging into the ice and keeping you from sliding down the…